In May 2010 the city of Warsaw announced a competition for the concession to construct and maintain 1580 bus shelters in Warsaw worth more than PLN 85 m. Five companies entered the competition, including strong competitors with the background of international experience. Two leading companies operating in Poland in the sector of external advertising – AMS SA and Ströer Polska – decided to join forces and experience gained in the implementation of projects related to outfitting cities with street furniture and to establish a consortium.
These types of urban ventures are socially sensitive, and the selected bidder must enjoy a good reputation, demonstrate experience and assure both the city and its residents that the products it offers will satisfy their expectations in many aspects related to: function, design, maintenance and advertising communication in the city space. That is why planning and conducting communication activities was of such importance in order to, inter alia:
– Create the awareness of the technological properties and aesthetic values of the street furniture offered by the Consortium
– Educate on the multidimensional character of the issue (bringing order to the city space, street furniture functions, public-private partnership)
– Present AMS and Ströer companies as experts in the realization of street furniture projects in Poland and abroad
– Show AMS and Ströer companies as a solid partner for cities
The communication activities were aimed at image building of AMS and Ströer companies as experts in the field of street furniture and at positioning the consortium as a “natural” choice and the best partner for the city of Warsaw. The addressee of the communication activities included chiefly municipal officials (Warsaw), officials from other cities, urban architects, as well as media and Warsaw residents.
AMS-Ströer consortium, wanting to share its unique experience with the representatives of cities and architects, decided to organise in Warsaw the only seminar in Poland concerning street furniture titled: "Street furniture in a big city". The seminar was also one of the strategic activities of AMS-Ströer consortium, the objective of which was to improve the chances of winning a contract for the construction and maintenance of bus shelters in Warsaw.
Citybell Consulting was responsible for:
- Devising a strategy for public affairs activities related to joining in the tender proceedings
- Media monitoring, analysis of social expectations with regard to bus shelters
- Devising a strategy of preventive communication in the event of a possible media crisis
- Drawing up event scenarios
- Strategic consultancy with regard to the communication of the seminar on street furniture titled: "Street furniture in a big city"
- Communication to business and institutional partners
- Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with the media and stakeholders
- Activities related to building relationships with non-business circles and the realization of the Seminar in terms of its organisation, logistics and communication
- Drawing up a programme, selection of speakers from Poland and from abroad as well as the preparation of conference materials containing all the most important information related to the design and modern construction of street furniture, information on the subject of Public-Private Partnership and the most interesting examples of the solutions in the area of street furniture from all over the world.
- The seminar and exhibition devoted to the issues of design, construction and implementation of street furniture "Street furniture in a big city" was greatly popular among the officials involved in the field of street furniture in Poland.
- The event was held under the patronage of the Union of Polish Metropolises and Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Architects
- The Society of Polish Town Planners assumed the role of an expert observer for the Seminar. Representatives of the above-mentioned organisations participated in the Seminar.
- At the end of 2012 AMS-Ströer Consortium won the tender for exchanging 1580 bus shelters in Warsaw.

The Consortium entrusted Citybell Consulting with the consultancy and comprehensive support regarding the public affairs and public relation strategy in the process of the Consortium’s attempts at winning a concession for the construction of bus shelters in Warsaw. We value highly Citybell’s experience in the area of public relations and public affairs projects, particularly in cooperation with local governments. The company’s performance of the entrusted tasks was of the highest standard. It is with utter conviction that we recommend Citybell as a reliable and professional partner.