Creation of an extraordinary concept for the celebration of the European Year of Citizens, enabling an exchange of opinions between the community of diplomats, politicians, representatives of non-governmental organisations as well as students and junior high school pupils on the future of the European Union and its citizens.
- In the centre of the event Citybell planned an unconventional debate, organised in an atypical form, never before used. We have decided to use a participative method inspired by the world café model. It allowed for a discussion in a less formal style - ensuring an egalitarian and free exchange of thoughts and ideas among the participants. That is how the event of EUROPA CAFÉ Debate was conceived!
- EUROPA CAFÉ Debate was composed of 3 parallel thematic debates: What crisis? Youth in Europe and the Future of Europe. The meeting participants already at the stage of virtual registration specified which debate they wanted to partake in. Additionally, they were divided into 3 workshop sub-groups, which meant that discussions were being simultaneously conducted in as many as 9 teams
- Internet users from 27 EU countries were following the discussion at the European Commission web site and on the Polish Delegation Facebook account. They were also joining in the discussion live by asking a question to commissionaire Lewandowski
- Citybell Consulting prepared video invitations and video surveys promoting the event at social web sites. The project media partners included: NaTemat portal as well as Radio Kampus
- Citybell Consulting was responsible for the entire organisation of the event, which comprised of the following: developing the formula and programme of EUROPA CAFÉ debate, its setting, enlisting and cooperating with moderators, organising the process of participants recruitment and registration with the use of a virtual evenea platform, coordination of an online transmission, coordination of euro audio-tele voting, promotional and organisational activities accompanying the project. The debate promotion was conducted with the use of online and offline tools
- Citybell Consulting invited "Stocznia" Pracownia Innowacji Społecznych to the project
- 200 Debate participants in Warsaw at the plenary room of the Central Agricultural Library in Warsaw
- 4000 on-line participants from 27 countries
- 3 parallel simultaneous thematic debates
- 9 discussion issues within the scope of a citizens' brain storm
- Live transmissions at the European Commission web site and at the Facebook page of the Polish Representation Office of the European Commission, at NaTemat portal
- Television and radio broadcasts: TVN, Radio Kampus

Citybell Consulting is a proven and reliable partner. It is with full conviction that I recommend Citybell as a partner that offers complete professional, technical and logistical support as well as extensive experience in the implementation of high ranking events.